Downtown Sidewalk Sale
Sunshine and sidewalk sales! Last Saturday on May 28, we hosted the first Sidewalk Sale of the year.
Shoppers at Stephanie’s Joy
The sale started at 11 and ran till 4. We had a mix of outdoor shopping and indoor deals across Queen Street. Beautiful weather and music outside at Case’s Music, Camera Craft, and 45 Social.
Shoppers at Homespun Treasures
49th Apparel partnered with Thinking Rock Community Arts during the Sidewalk Sale! Thinking Rock is a non-profit comprised of community members and artists “who co-create spaces for dialogue, mutual understanding and artful social change through multidisciplinary, multi-generational, cross-cultural community arts projects.” To learn more about Thinking Rock Community Arts click here
Thinking Rock Community Arts outside 49th Apparel
Shoppers at Void Vinyl
Board Member Paul Mason was spotted at the Sidewalk Sale with Downtown mascot Chewie!
At the Downtown Association we had open doors for those keen on the future of Queen Street to take a look at the new streetscaping plan. To view, visit the Downtown Association office at 496 Queen Street East.
Downtown Association Executive Director Salvatore Marchese presenting the proposed street plan.
It wasn’t just sidewalk sales and deals that Saturday! The new art studio/gallery “The Art Hub At Spring” had its soft launch. The new studio space is an artist collective/gallery/venue at 504 Queen Street East.
Art Hub At Spring
We were so happy to see the turn out for the Sidewalk Sale. Everyone worked together to liven Queen Street for a beautiful Saturday. Make sure you come back for The Longest Garage Sale next Saturday, June 11!