SDA Team
Board of Directors
Nicholas Rosset
Nicholas Rosset has been an active member of the Sault’s Downtown for many years. In 2018 Nicholas became co-owner of Savoy’s Jewellers, a third-generation business operating on Queen Street since 1952. Nicholas has attended, participated in and supported many DTA meetings and events over the years. He has a desire to improve the reputation of Queen Street by making visitors feel welcome and safe. He believes the best way to achieve this is by gradually growing the area as an inclusive hub of community activities, this will draw businesses in and benefit all stakeholders of our BIA.
Graduating with honors in the three most prestigious degrees in his industry, Goldsmith, Gemmologist and Master Valuer, Nicholas brings dedication, critical thinking and creativity to everything he does. With long term plans on Queen Street Nicholas has a vested interest in the improvement and long-term success of Sault Ste. Marie in general and it’s Downtown in particular.
Paul Scornaienchi
Vice Chair
The goal this year is to triplicate the positive momentum that has been built with the membership and our partners over the last year. My life and career as principal and interior designer with Ergo Office Plus has been here in our community of Sault Ste. Marie for 57 years.
The year 2019 is my 4th year with the SSM Queenstown BIA as a member of the board. My commitment is to open my ears and eyes to ensure there is a clear understanding of the task at hand before recommending solutions that best represent the entire membership, our partners and our community. My passion is for a healthy downtown (commerce and community enjoyment) and my commitment is to build a foundation of trust and respect amongst all BIA members with communication, education and membership involvement. Our measuring stick is a busy and populated downtown at all hours of the day and evening who are enjoying the business and environment for a healthy and clean urban lifestyle. I am a believer in governance (the legal processes of a focused board and its membership) ... streetscape beautification (our unique sault branding and the accessibility of our downtown) ... events (that promote ALL sectors of the downtown membership businesses, agencies and residential living).
Kristi Cistaro
In 2010, Kristi started the baby and children's store, Stork and Bundle in Heritage Square. Since then it has grown to also include a seasonal toy shop called The Toy Box and several pop up events annually both locally and in the surrounding communities.
Kristi also works part-time for the Ministry of the Attorney General and volunteers her time with the DTA to help encourage revitalization and economic development in our historic downtown. Kristi brings experience in retail management, business, marketing, event planning, project management and finance to the board and has served the board since 2016. Born and raised in SSM, Kristi comes from a family of entrepreneurs. Her great grandfather started Boston Motors in 1932. She completed her BSc in Biology from The University of Western Ontario in 2000 and moved home with her husband Sam in 2007 to be closer to family and raise their 2 children."
Angela Caputo
City Council Representative
TaMAR Tucker
Director - Beautification Chair
Jacob rendell
Director - Grants Chair
Sault native, Jacob Rendell, is one of the proud owners of Case’s Music.
After graduating from Algoma University with a B.A. in Music, Jake earned a B.Ed from Lakehead University in 2011, and his Band Instrument Repair Technician certification from Minnesota State College - Southeast Technical in 2012. In 2012 he combined all of these skills and passions to open Algoma Instrument Repair, a brass and woodwind specialty repairs shop, while also teaching at Case’s Music.
While running Algoma Instrument Repair, Jake was an active member of NAPBIRT (National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians), sitting on their board of directors as the Regional Director of Canada, and, for a term, VP of the board. As a board member, Jake provided clinics on utilizing social media in the workshop, and helped to organize continuing education sessions for technicians.
In 2017, Jake merged his business with long-time business partner Carrie Suriano at Case’s Music. Together they have grown a healthy community of students, musicians, educators, and families at Case’s. Case’s Music has become a household name in Sault Ste. Marie, and is known for their integrity and customer service, treating people like people, and helping musicians grow throughout their entire journey with music.
As a husband to Lee, and father to Dax, Jake knows the value of creating a community that is safe and supportive to families and businesses alike. Lee and Jake started their family downtown, and are excited to continue to take part as our beautiful downtown grows and flourishes with great new businesses, events, and attractions. Jake is proud to work downtown and looks forward to the amazing things that are coming to our area.
Angela Romano
Director - Communications Chair
Angela is happy to be returning to the Board of Directors for a second term and looks forward to continuing to implement the Strategic Plan that the previous Board worked hard to develop. It has been rewarding to see some of the priorities we identified be addressed and I am confident that we can continue to make our downtown a destination that people want to visit, live, work in and promote.
I am a life-long resident of Sault Ste. Marie who is passionate about seeing our city prosper and having a vibrant, safe, aesthetically pleasing downtown is very important to me. In fact, I have the pleasure of promoting our beautiful city and province on a daily basis with my employment with Destination Ontario, an agency of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport as the Team Leader of the Ontario Travel Information Centre. I feel my tourism background and connections in tourism will be a benefit to the Downtown Association and hopefully can help to bridge the gap and cross-promote between the DTA and the various tourism organizations, attractions, accommodations in the region. Anyone who follows me on my personal social media channels can attest to the fact that I am a passionate supporter of all things downtown and of our City in general, with many people looking to my social media feed to know what’s happening! Along with being a Director, I also chair the Communications sub-committee and am a member (and frequent volunteer) for the Events subcommittee which although time-consuming has been very rewarding. I invite any interested DTA members and interested residents to join a subcommittee if you have an interest in volunteering and helping to grow our downtown! I look forward to seeing what the next few years will bring downtown and it is time to continue proving the point that downtown is not dead, far from it!
Marnie Stone
Director - Parking Chair
Marnie Stone is the owner of Stone's Office Supply, which has been in business for 96 years. She’s also now sharing her passion for the arts through founding The Art Hub at Spring in May of 2022, which consists of 10 working art studios and an art gallery showcasing local artists. Then in September of 2022, she opened a sister to the art hub called The Artesian, showcasing local authors, sculptures, fabric + wood artists.
Marnie is the creator of the Sault Women in Business group which is a powerful business network of women who meet monthly to support each other, cross-promote, and generally raise each other up. She is also a Rotarian, and is on the Board of 100 Women Who Care, who have been raising tens of thousands of dollars for local charities and organizations.
On top of her work at Stone's, The Art Hub at Spring and The Artesian, and in the community, Marnie is the mother of three children and she also has one grandchild.
As a testament to her community leadership and professional acumen, Marnie was honoured with the Athena award in 2009, received the diamond jubilee medal in 2012, was the downtown business of the year award recipient in 2017, received the Influential Women of Northern Ontario community trailblazer award in 2019, and most recently, in 2021 she was awarded the Skipper Manzzutti award for business achievement.
Born and raised in the Sault, Marnie is known for her smile, positivity, and boundless energy.
Nicholas Luck - Executive Director
Contact: | 705-942-2919
Ashton Carter - Coordinator
Contact: | 705-942-2919
Micheal Vincent - Beautification Associate
Contact: | 705-942-2919
Isabella Buratti - Marketing & Social Media Coordinator
Contact: | 705-942-2919
The Sault Downtown Association currently has 9 subcommittees made up of board of directors, staff & community volunteers assisting the association.
Events Subcommittee
To provide leadership in uniting Downtown Members with Downtown Events. To inform, engage and facilitate Downtown Events for the promotion of all Downtown Members for community and tourist enjoyment.
Beautification Subcommittee
Provide communication, planning and outreach to ensure pedestrian safety, introduce new amenities for the beautification of Queen Street and strengthen the economy of the Association Membership.
Communications Subcommittee
To Facilitate effective information sharing between Downtown Members, City of SSM, and the Public with the goal to increase awareness and interest of all Downtown Business Sectors and updates of events and new initiative.
Governance Subcommittee
Conducts regularly-scheduled re-examination of the BIA's Mission and Vision Statement, By-Laws and Policy, reviews of operation policy (conflict-of-interest, ethics, whistle-blower, procurement, contract review, grievance, etc.) Oversees Board orientation and development.
Safety and Security Subcommittee
Connect with partners regularly for feedback and strategic planning regarding maintaining a safe and secure area for our membership to conduct business.
Grant Writing Subcommittee
To identify available funding opportunities, relevant to the Association's strategic plan for the committee to pursue.
Finance Subcommittee
Responsible for recommending financial policies, goals and budgets that support the mission, values and strategic goals of the Association. As well as monitoring significant financial planning and reporting matters to the board.
Plaza Subcommittee
To work closely with the City of Sault Ste. Marie to ensure the Downtown Plaza is programmed and operated successfully and is beneficial to both the BIA members and the community.
Parking SubCommittee
To lobby for parking enforcement reform based on neighbourhood feedback and through advocacy and work closely with relevant municipal departments.