Our Partners
“Creating a vibrant downtown remains a key objective of the City’s Corporate Strategic Plan and is seen as a major part of building a better quality of life for both residents and visitors. Building on the recent success of the reconstruction of both Bruce Street and Gore Street, City Council approved a new Downtown Vision in 2019. This is an action plan to revitalize both the downtown and waterfront and includes the following projects.”
Sault Ste. Marie Museum
“The Sault Ste. Marie Museum is excited to have taken on such a unique and exciting initiative with the Downtown Association for the implementation and purchase of the OnThisSpot App. This App will not only allow us to better connect as partners within the Downtown core, but also allow for us to share the important history, culture, and significance of the City of Sault Ste. Marie. Our history shouldn't only be confined to a specific physical space but shared among everyone, as it is we who inform and create this history everyday. The Sault Ste. Marie Museum is excited to be able to present this history in a new, relevant way and hope that the residents and visitors to Sault Ste. Marie all enjoy this venture and take the opportunity to come down and discover YOUR Museum.”
Our Sponsors
Sootoday.com is our media sponsor and we are delighted that they are also a part of our downtown. Not only have they renovated a building to work in and enhanced the curb appeal, but they also employ a large number of people in our downtown neighborhood which supports our retail and restaurant industries. They are instrumental in activating space downtown and are strong supporters of many different initiatives.